Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday..

Went out real early this morning. Dad didn't feel good so he couldn't come with us.
Well, we picked up some DVD's, a printer & a mini vacuum. We went to a total of six stores. Almost every store we went to sold out of almost every DVD that was on special. The stores that were most packed with people were Toy's R Us & Target. The lines were sooooo long. We didn't buy anything in those stores. I brought my camera along with me today, but it was kind of dark out when I took some of the photos so, some of my shots did not turn out to well.
We left around 5am & got home around 11:30am.
It turned out to be such a beautiful day outside.
I only got a little over 4 hours of sleep this morning, so I took a nap for 45 minutes earlier this afternoon. Right now, we are all watching one of the dvd's I got today which is: Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. :)

Did any of you go out shopping today?
If so, what did you find out there today?

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